Trace Request
Trace Request The 'Trace Request' window is best used for diagnostics and troubleshooting of the entire policy processing framework. It returns both category information and verdict information on a per client, per IP, per group and/or per policy ...
Category Lookup
Category Lookup Overview Category Lookup allows you to check the Categories assigned to URLs in the lookup process and provides you with additional information regarding how it is processed. Category Definitions The Category Definitions contains ...
Deny Page Framework
Deny Page API Specifications The Lenovo NetFilter deny page framework allows you to configure the location where your deny pages will reside, within your overall Lenovo NetFilter solution. This section outlines how to configure your deny pages to ...
Available Variables
Available Variables for Deny Pages The variables can be used for Lenovo NetFilter Deny/Portal page editor. Variables in capital letters, which can be inserted into deny/portal pages as html code. Variable Name Definition $DENY_CATEGORY_INFO html code ...