Reporter Settings
To modify Reporter settings, go to Administration > Configuration and click the Reporter Settings button. You can also go the Administration > Services page. In the Services tab, select the Host you wish to edit and click the Global Reporter ...
Reporter Logging
When an Internet request goes through the Lenovo NetFilter filtering system, Lenovo NetFilter records information about the request in its ‘Request Logs’. You can use the Lenovo NetFilter Reporter subsystem to create different kinds of reports from ...
Importing and Exporting Report Templates
You can import and export Report Templates. Reports can be saved as Excel CSV (UTF-16LE), Comma Delimited, or Tab Delimited. You can export Report Templates and then, in Excel or a text editor edit the file and import the templates into the ...
Quick Search Reports
Quick Search is used to directly search for specific items in the Request Log. Like a web search engine, the Quick Search feature allows you to reduce the number of search results by entering one or more criteria that a record must satisfy to be ...
Report Admin
The Report Admin is used to review and modify the number of reports that are active and those that are waiting to be processed. It displays an overview of the performance of the reporting daemon. This window does not provide specific error messages ...
Quick Demand Reports
Quick Demand Reports are a special class of Quick Reports that are only generated once (not on a regular basis like other Quick Reports). Instead of receiving reports for a day, week, or month, you can create a Quick Report that covers any date ...
Reports Templates
Report Templates are pre-made reports that can act as a starting point for your reporting needs. Report Templates can be used with the Create Report feature to give you a limited selection of values to be modified for simple Report creation. Report ...
Create Report
You can create a Report using an existing Report Template. You can be limited in the fields which they can enter per template, allowing for creation of reports tailored to their purpose and a simplified interface. There must be enabled Reports and ...
Managing and Modifying Reports
This document explores how to manage and modify Reports in the WebAdmin. View / Edit / Clone Reports The Reports pages allow you to View, Edit and Clone Reports. Deleting Reports To delete one of more Reports, go to one of the Reports windows, select ...
Quick Reports
Quick Reports displays the available (enabled) Scheduled Report Templates. Each template can be enabled for different enabled frequencies which include daily, weekly, and monthly. Click the Manage Reports button and select the check box beside the ...
Custom Reports Overview
Use the Custom Report page to create or edit a report. Enter the Report Name, Description and Owner. For Report Type, if Demand is chosen, select the Date Range. For Scheduled Reports, select the Interval and Start Date and for Continuous Reports, ...