Using the Request Logs Page
To access the Request Logs page, go to the Logs menu in the WebAdmin. Request Logs, also referred to as Live Logs, tracks all request log activity and provides input for the Netsweeper Reporting Service.
The Request Logs page is a valuable tool for troubleshooting and verifying that filtering and categorization are functioning correctly on client workstations.
Log Lines
By default, each Log line displays the Timestamp, URL, Policy Group, whether the URL is allowed or denied and the Category Name.
The Denied Flag field indicates whether a request is allowed or denied. Allowed requests are marked with a zero, while denied requests are highlighted in red and marked with a one.
Settings to Show or Hide Columns
Click the Settings icon and select or deselect column headings from the dropdown list.
For optimal use, we recommend displaying the following columns: Actions, Timestamp, URL, Client IP, Client Name, Policy Group, Denied Flag, Event Type, Event Data, Category Names, Module, Workstation, and Screenshot.
The Header Toolbar provides essential tools for viewing logs.
You can pause the log flow by clicking directly in the log viewer or by using the Play/Pause button in the toolbar.
Search Bar
The Search field enables quick searches for specific log entries. In the first example, searching for any reference to the "Grade_10 Policy Group" will display the related logs.
In the second example, searching for URLs containing the word "sex" will filter and display the relevant log entries.
Advanced Filter Window
Click the Advanced Filter icon to open the Advanced Filter window, where you can filter multiple columns simultaneously.
Viewing the Request Logs in real time allows the Site Admin to troubleshoot why a request is being allowed or denied. The Site Admin can then adjust the filtering categories selected by their groups or add/remove specific URLs from the Allow/Deny lists.
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