Deploying Lenovo NetFilter Client Using Intune

Deploying Lenovo NetFilter Client Using Intune


The Lenovo NetFilter for Windows client supports a number of different deployment methods and tools an MSI installer. See  Installing Lenovo NetFilter Using Command Line for more detailed instructions. Please note that our support team can only provide limited assistance with configuring your organization's Microsoft Endpoint Manager. 

The Lenovo NetFilter Intune deployment guide is designed to assist with basic settings and deployment of Lenovo NetFilter for Windows using Microsoft Endpoint Manager Intune. 

DISCLAIMER – Every customer environment is different.  Use this guide as a reference and not a requirement of the software.  It is still recommended to consult your local Active Directory administrator(s) or Microsoft support if you have questions about the repercussions of individual settings in your environment.

System Requirements

  1. Microsoft Endpoint Manager access
  2. Site Admin access to Lenovo NetFilter Web Admin
  3. Devices registered to Azure AD

Lenovo NetFilter MSI App Deployment

Preparing the Win32 app for Lenovo NetFilter

  1. Download the MSI installer for the appropriate Lenovo NetFilter client.
  2. Next download the intunewinapputil.exe
  3. Create an Intune Deployment Win32 App folder and move the Lenovo NetFilter installer into its own folder within the Win32 App folder. i.e C:\Users\localuser\Documents\Intune Deployment Win32\Application Folder
  4. Create another folder within the Intune Deployment Win32 App folder called Output Folder. i.e C:\Users\localuser\Documents\Intune Deployment Win32\Output Folder
  5. Move the intunewinapputil.exe into the root of the Win32 App folder.
  6. Move the Lenovo NetFilter client installer MSI into the root of the App folder.
  7. Next open a Command Prompt and navigate to the Win32 App folder and run the intunewinapputil.exe from the command prompt.
  8. You will receive a prompt that says Please specify the source folder: The source folder is where the Lenovo NetFilter MSI is located,  i.e C:\Users\localuser\Documents\Intune Deployment Win32\Application Folder
  9.  Enter the source folder location and press Enter.
  10. The next prompt Please specify the setup file: i.e Lenovo+NetFilter+North+America+-+  and press Enter.
  11. The next prompt Please Specify the output folder: The location of the output folder. i.e C:\Users\localuser\Documents\Intune Deployment Win32\Output Folder
  12. Enter the output folder location and press Enter.
  13. The next prompt, Do you want to specify a catalog folder (Y/N)? Type N and press Enter.
  14. You will then receive a notification stating the INTUNEWIN File has been generated successfully. The file can be found in the Output Folder.

Adding the Lenovo NetFilter App

  1. Log into your Microsoft Endpoint Manager 
  2. In the left navigation menu click on Apps.
  3. Under By Platform select Windows.
  4. Select +Add.
  5. From the App Type dropdown, select Windows App (Win32). Click Select at the bottom of the page.
  6. Click Select app package file and select the INTUNEWIN File for Lenovo NetFilter MSI.
  7. On the first page, App Information, enter the following:
    1. Name: Lenovo NetFilter (or Lenovo NetFilter Plus depending on the client)
    2. Publisher: Lenovo Software.
    3. Enter any other information you may require and select Next.
  8. On the Program page, enter the following:
    1. Install command: (Depends on locale of client being installed)
      1. NA: 
        msiexec /i "installer.msi" CONFIGEDIT="-p -f 2048 -g policygroupname -t 987" /qn
      2. EU: 
        ​msiexec /i "installer.msi" CONFIGEDIT="-p -f 2048 -g policygroupname -t 987" /qn

              Important steps for altering your command:
        1. Replace installer.msi with the appropriate MSI file name and location of the MSI file. 
        2. Replace policygroupname with the name of the group the device should belong to. 
        3. Be sure that that Policy Server matches the NetFilter environment of your webAdmin account (NA or EU)
    2. Uninstall command: (Will be generated automatically, i.e msiexec /x "{4DCD4B57-A15C-423D-B7C8-2A0FFCF9E45B}" /qn)
    3. Enter any other information you may require and select Next.
  9.  On the Requirements page, enter the following:
    1. Operating system architecture: x86 or x64 (depending on NetFilter client version)
    2. Minimum operating system: select which one you require
    3. Enter any other information you may require and select Next.
  10. On the Detection Rules page, enter the following: 
    1. Select Manually Configure Detection Rules and select Add+
    2. Rule Type: File
    3. Path: (depends on client being installed)
      1. NA NetFilter: c:\program files (x86)\Lenovo NetFilter North America
      2. NA NetFilter Plus: c:\program files (x86)\Lenovo NetFilter Plus North America
      3. EU NetFilter: c:\program files (x86)\Lenovo NetFilter Europe
      4. EU NetFilter Plus: c:\program files (x86)\Lenovo NetFilter Plus Europe
    4. File or folder: divert.exe
    5. Detection method: String (version)
    6. Operator: Greater than or equal to
    7. Value: (current version number)

    8. Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: No
    9. Click OK and select Next to continue.
  11. You may skip the Dependencies section.
  12. You may skip the Supersedence section.
  13. On the Assignments page, select the Group(s) or device(s) you wish to deploy Lenovo NetFilter to. You may select what you require for End user notifications, Availability and Installation deadline.
  14. Select Next to continue to Review + Create. Select Create.

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