Create Report

Create Report

You can create a Report using an existing Report Template. You can be limited in the fields which they can enter per template, allowing for creation of reports tailored to their purpose and a simplified interface. 

There must be enabled Reports and admins you must have Report Templates permissions to use the ‘Create Report’ feature.

Example: Adult Content Allowed by Clients (scheduled)

Select Adult Content Allowed by Clients (scheduled) and select the interval of 30 Minutes.

Click Generate Report. The Report displays.

These icons allow you to refresh, edit, clone, and delete the created Report.

Using the Scheduled Report Templates Edit Options for Create Reports

In this example, we will enable all the Create Report 'Edit' options for a Create Report.

1.    Go Reports > Report Admin and select the Scheduled tab.

2.    Add a checkmark in the 'Create Report' column beside the Adult Content Allowed by Clients report.

3.    Click the Edit link for that Report.

4.    In the 'Custom Report' page, scroll to the bottom and expand the Create Report Options section.

5.    For this example, we will enable all options and enter information where available.

6.    Click the Save Template option.

7.    Go to Reports > Create Reports and select the Adult Content Allowed by Clients option from the 'Select Report' dropdown.

8.    The Report displays with the options available in the previous steps. Options with asterisks (*) are mandatory.

9.    Enter the information and click the Generate Report button.

10. The Report displays. All Report Instances may not be created. You may have to click the Refresh icon.

Max Start Date Range

The 'Max Start Date Range' that allows you to specify that allows you to specify how long ago the Start Date can be from now. It consists of two menus: predefined number and units. You can select the unit (for time measurement) and the number of units, or even enter your own number in the numbers field. Both of these menus will produce a solid time interval (Note: internally it always is kept as the total number of seconds).

Max Start Day Range

The 'Max Start Date Range that allows you to specify that allows you to specify how long ago the Start Date can be from now. It consists of two menus: predefined number and units. You can select the unit (for time measurement) and the number of units, or even enter your own number in the numbers field. Both menus will produce a solid time interval (Note: internally it always is kept as the total number of seconds).

Settings Button in Create Report

You can use the Settings button to set the 'Domain Definitions' and 'Average Page Browsing Time'.


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