

Clients Overview

Use the 'Clients' window to create, delete, modify, import, and export Clients in all filtering Groups. A Client is a computer user, workstation, or subnet of workstations as defined by the Client Type settings: Authorized by Client Name, Authorized by Password, Workstation Address, and Network Subnet. Selecting the Client link under the 'Client Name' column enables you to view or modify the selected Client's information. Clients are assigned to Groups and you can view Clients assigned to Groups by selecting a Group in the 'Groups' window. Clients can also be added and removed automatically by making use of directory synchronization. The Bulk Client Cleanup button allows for the bulk removal of Clients from your database.

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The Header bar displays these items.

Clients and Directory Synchronization

Clients can also be added and removed automatically by making use of directory synchronization. If you create a structure of filtering groups and users in Microsoft Active Directory, Novell eDirectoryApple Open Directory, or Google Directory, Lenovo NetFilter can use the groups and user structure to synchronize the appropriate Lenovo NetFilter Groups and Clients in the policy database. In general, you should always manage clients and groups in the directory server and then allow synchronizations to manage any new clients and groups in the WebAdmin. Please see 'Configuration - Directory Synchronization' documentation for more information on this feature.

Clients and Groups

Clients can be assigned to Groups. You can view a Group’s Clients by selecting a Group in the List tab of the ‘Groups' window and then clicking on the Managers tab.

Adding a Client to a Group from Groups Window

In most situations, you would add a Client to a Group from that Groups page.

Please note that the name '-' (hyphen) is reserved for undefined Client names. The pipe character ( | ) is typically seen by most fields in the WebAdmin as an OR operator.

1.    Go to Policies > Groups and click on the Lists tab.

2.    Click on the Group you wish to add the Client to. The Group Policy page displays.

3.    Click on the Clients tab and click the Create tab.

4.    In the ‘Create Client' page, the Group is assigned automatically if you access the page from the 'Groups' page.

5.    You can create a Client by Client Name, Password, IP Address, and Network Subnet.

6.    The ‘Client Settings’ section will offer different options based on your selection.

Authorized by Client Name

If you select this option, add the user’s authentication login name in the Client Name field in the Client Settings section. You can also add Workstation, First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Comments.


Authorized by Password

If you select this option, type in the Client Name, type the password in the Password field, and then type the password in a second time in the Verify Password field. You can also add Workstation, First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Comments.


Workstation Address

If you select this option, type the Client Name and the user’s IP address in the Client Settings section. You can also add Workstation, First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Comments.


Network Subnet

If you select this option, type the Client Name, the user’s IP address, and the Subnet Mask in the Client Settings section. You can also add Workstation, First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Comments.


7.   Submit to save your changes.

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About the Workstation Name

You can set and change the Workstation Name of a Client in the WebAdmin. This can then be passed to the logging framework.

Categories selected for a Client will override Categories set for the Policy so enabling this setting is not recommended.

Create Group from Client

Use the Create Group from Client button to convert the selected client into a Group. Please see the Policy Management Groups document for information on the ‘Create Group from Client’ option.

Bulk Client Cleanup

You can bulk remove or cleanup Clients. You can remove: expired Clients, Clients by IP, all subnet Clients, all name and password Clients, and outdated IP Clients. There is also a ‘client_cleanup’ API to perform this function.

The ‘Bulk Client Cleanup’ tool bulk removes Clients from your database. The calculation is based on the WebAdmin Setting, ‘Client Expiry Threshold’.

1.    Go to Policies > Clients.

2.    Click on the Bulk Client Cleanup button. A dropdown list displays with five options.

3.    You can check any number of options.

4.    Click Submit.



Remove all expired Clients

Will remove all expired clients based on the threshold set by the WebAdmin Settings ‘Client Expiry Threshold (days)’.

Remove all IP Clients

This will remove all clients that are IP based.

Remove all subnet Clients

This will remove all clients that are subnet based.

Remove all name and password Clients

This will remove all clients that are name or password based.

Remove Outdated IP Clients

This will cleanup all clients with multiple IPs and leave only the latest one.



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