Available Variables

Available Variables

Available Variables for Deny Pages

The variables can be used for Lenovo NetFilter Deny/Portal page editor.

Variables in capital letters, which can be inserted into deny/portal pages as html code.

Variable Name



html code of a division for deny message with category information


html code of a division for deny error message


html code for deny category names


html code for names and description of deny categories


html code for current date


encoded url been filtered


html code for specific filter message with category names. This will translate to the Group Language setting.


This can be changed in the Translation Editor.



This can be changed in the Translation Editor.


"Contact your Internet administrator if you require access to this site."
This can be changed in the Translation Editor.


Sign In to Bypass


short format of encoded url been filtered


html code for group name


html code of input fields for auth by google single sign on


html code of input fields for auth by microsoft single sign on


html code of a checkbox for rememberme


html code of input fields for auth by SAML


Html code of an or line to separate SSO


html code for support email


html code for support phone


html code for group and user name information


html code for user ip been filtered

Variables Prefixed with 'html'

Variables prefixed with 'html_', which can be inserted into deny/portal pages as html code.

Variable Name



html code of url to redirect back


html code of category numbers


html code of connection ip


html code of deny page id


html code of deny page language


html code of deny page rule id


html code of group name


html code of Lenovo NetFilter policy server hostname


html code of deny policy name


html code of option to expire rememberme


html code of ttl


html code for url been filtered


htnl code for user ip been filtered


html code for user name been filtered

Variables Prefixed with 'enc_'

Variables prefixed with "enc_", which can be used in deny/portal pages as parameter for CGI arguments for the link addresses.

Variable Name



encoded deny category numbers


encoded connection ip filtered


encoded deny page id


encoded deny language


encoded deny page rule id


encoded group name


encode Lenovo NetFilter policy server hostname


encoded policy name


encoded ttll


encoded url been filtered


encoded uer ip been filtered


encoded username

Out-of-date Variables

Variables that might be used, but are out of date, and may not be supported in future release

Variable Name



category numbers


connection ip


deny page id


deny page language


deny page rule id


encoded url been filtered


error message


group name


Lenovo NetFilter policy server hostname


policy name


option to expire remeberme




url been filtered


user ip been filtered


user name


deny_page_http http://$HOST:8080/webadmin/deny/index.php

deny_page_http http://$HOST:8080/webadmin/deny/index.php


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