Assigning Additional Managers to a Group and Additional Groups to a Manager

Assigning Additional Managers to a Group and Additional Groups to a Manager

This article explains how to assign additional managers to a group in Netsweeper. There are two methods for doing this.

Method 1: Assigning Groups to an Account 
This method allows assigning multiple groups to a manager at one time:
  1. In the left pane, expand Accounts, then select Accounts.
  2. In the right pane, select the admin's Login Name (or the Edit button to the left of their name).
  3. Click the Groups tab at the top of the right pane.
  4. Select the group you would like to add via the Add Group drop down.
  5. Click the Add button.
Method 2: Assigning Accounts to a Group
This method allows assigning multiple managers to a single group at one time.
  1. In the left pane, expand Policies, then select Groups.
  2. Click the List tab at the top of the right pane.
  3. In the right pane, select the Group Name.
  4. Select the account you would like to add via the Assign Account drop down.
  5. Click the Submit button.

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