Advanced Filtering for Entries

Advanced Filtering for Entries

Advanced Filtering List Entries

The Advanced Filter offers more specific filters for any column in the List Entries window allowing you to add, modify, delete, and save filters (presets). 

1.    In the List Entries window, click the Advanced Filter icon.

2.    Click the Add Filter link and select a column to filter by.  In this example, we choose Type.

3.    Additional filtering levels display based on the selected column.  A second input field displays with a dropdown of List Types. SelectScheme and click Add Filter.

4.    The Advanced Filter window displays with the ‘Scheme’ filter added.  From this window, you can add an additional filter or clear filters.  If you wish to apply this filtering, click the Apply Filters button.

5.    The ‘Edit List’ window is filtered by ‘Scheme’ Type.

Editing and Clearing All Filters from Lists Window

The ‘Edit List’ window, alerts you, with a green filter bar, that a filter has been applied.  You can click the Edit link to edit the filter or click the X icon on the far right to remove all filters. You can also click the Advanced Filter button on the window to edit or remove filters.

Removing and Clearing Filters in Advanced Filter

In the ‘Advanced Filter’ window, click the Remove Filter icon beside the applied filter to remove it.

Use the Reset filter to default icon to clear all the filters.

Save Preset Filter

In the ‘Advanced Filter window’, Filter Presets can be saved for reuse. You may choose to share filters with everyone else who has access to List Entries, or you can save them for your own personal use. Start by adding one or more filters to the filter summary window, then click the Save icon beside the filter preset dropdown.

In the ‘Advanced Filter’ window, you can save a Filter Preset for: No One, Managed Accounts, or All Accounts. 

Click the Save button.  The Preset is saved and available for other Admin and SysOp Accounts.

In the dropdown, Filter Presets are divided into Presets owned by you (under the 'My Presets' heading) and Presets shared with you (under the 'Shared Presets' heading). Filters owned by you which are shared with other users are identified by a 'group' icon.

Share to 'All Accounts'

Admins have the ability to share presets to 'All Accounts.

Advanced Filtering Options

This section contains an overview on the basic advanced filtering options for List Entries.

URL Keyword Filtering

To filter your List Entries by URL or Keyword, click the Advanced Filter button in the ‘List Entry’ window to open the ‘Add Filter’ window.  Select URL/Keyword from the dropdown list.  A new field displays.  Enter the URL or Keyword and click Save Filter.

The ‘Advanced Filter’ window displays.  From here you can also edit or delete the filtering.  Click the Apply Filters button.

The URL List is filtered with all URLs that contain the word ‘sex’.

Searching Entries

The 'Search' field has these options




The search displays an exact match

Exact Match

This removes all wildcarding and the search must be an exact match to display results. You can also add wildcards to Exact Match searches. % and * are acceptable wild cards.

Contains All

This takes each space separated word and search for a match for each, if any are not found it will not be shown. 

Contains Any

This takes each space separated word and search for a match for each, if any are found it will be shown.

Filtering List Entries by Type

URL List Entries can be assigned a ‘Type’ such as Scheme, Path, Query, File Extension, etc.  To filter your List Entries by ‘Type’, click the Advanced Filter button in the ‘List Entry’ window to open the ‘Add Filter’ window.  Select Type from the dropdown list.  A new field displays.  Select the Type from the dropdown list and click Save Filter.

In this example, we are filtering for the Type: Path.

When we apply Filters, only URLs with Type: Path display.

Filtering List Entries by Date

You can filter your List Entries by Date Range, Date as well as selecting Greater Than or Less Than date range.

Filtering List Entries by the ‘Edited At’ Date

You can filter the lasted edited date or time. 

The Date or Date Range selected shows the records with the matching ‘Last Reviewed’ time.

Click the Add Filter button and then Apply Filter.  The Filtered List displays.



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